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make a model
put up your dome
lay down with your head in the center of the dome
look up and see that 3 shapes that make the dome
use a tape measure; copy these shapes to a large sheet of paper or fabric
be sure to measure the diagonals of the 3 shapes
copy patterns to fabric
sew and hang (grip clips can help with the hanging)
realize that fabric stretches on the diagonal; this can distort your finished liner

call me if you have questions 650 323 6202


Bob Gillis

On Mar 24, 2011, at 1:14 PM, Eleanor Hamner wrote:

Dear Jens,

Thanks for the neat photos! May we use them on our website?

I will let Bob answer your questions about the liner.

Best, Eleanor

On Mar 24, 2011

Dera Eleanor and Bob,

A couple of years ago, I bought several domes and had them shipped to Denmark. We have used them in performances and I am currently re-building one, to use as an interactive modern-dance installation (see pictures). I am using an 18′ dome.

For this, I am sewing a black inner-tent and I was wondering if you would mind sending me information on which angles go where, when making an inner tent. I have measured and calculated, but I just want to be 100% sure before doing anything more. So if you have specific plans for making an inner tent, and you wouldn’t mind sharing them, it would be great. I will, of course, on no account show these plans to anyone or in any other way distribute them. I will gladly sign a contract to ensure you of that, if it is necessary.

I would be very grateful for your help.

Thank you.
