I intend to set up a “web lounge” with three computers in Virginia. The desk are plain, a top and four legs. I want the dome to be white. I want it so that you can stand up without hitting your head, with one window near the entrance. I must use a tent, so please do not waste my time telling me it is impractical, give me the specs.I intend to wrap the computers and hardware with my own materials during storms and intend to have a portable heater and dehumidifier. Please suggest an appropriate size for this mini weblounge. Also, tell me the cost and figure in the shipping, I want to ship the tent to:
Please send me your specs for your suggestion so that when I make the purchase I can tell you what I want. [in Virgina]
I suggest the 18 foot Yurt Dome. It is 9′ tall. Shipping $40.
regarding your 30′ dome yurt, have you done any wind/storm testing? what
are the specs. I live in the Colorado Rockies and am looking at yurts for
my mountain properity. We get 60+ mile an hour winds in the late fall, and
snow to 4-6 feet in the highlands. Due to dome construction I’m sure your
yurts are quite sturdy, but would they withstand an entire Colorado winter
without repair, etc. Also, how is the best way to heat your yurt? I didnt
see any plans for a out vent for a stove? many thanks
I do not recomend our 30’er for you; 60+ winds are too much.
Hi — I’m looking to have a sweat house ceremony in the next few weeks
and was wondering if you thought one of your yurts might be an option
for that kind of an endeavor and if so which one. Does the material
stand up to high internal temperatures (130-140 degrees F) and high
Does the structure stand on its own without the material if
we opted to use another material for the sweat lodge ceremony,
strip the material off the structure and put up the original material
and then use the yurt as it was originally designed.