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I guess I m just a land lubber

did get in to suspending tents from trees though


but I staked mine to the earth

the complexity of balancing all the tension lines (look closely)
did lead me to combine/simplify these with “internal strutted tensegreatys” to create an “external tensegredy”
much simpler/better

They Hang A Tent From 3 Trees In The Woods To Take Their Camping To A Whole New Level

See answers below


Bob Gillis

Shelter Systems LLC, 224 Walnut St, Menlo Park CA 94025
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On Dec 9, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Erica wrote:

Hello there. I am looking to purchase an event tent and am very interested in your large 31′ tent. I do however have a few questions.

How easy is the largest tent to set up? You speak about the ease of the smaller tents—how much harder is the larger tent?
31 foot is easy to put but requires strength. You should have at least two strong people with gloves and eye protection when you put it up the first time. Allow about one hour. See
What is the size/weight when dismantled?
Above is a photo of the 30 foot packed up. The 31 has three bundles of poles instead of two. The 31′ cover package is a third bigger . The person in the photo is 6 foot tall. The 31 foot dome weighs 270 lb.

How tall is the door?
Approximately 5 foot.
Is there only one door? If so, can another be made perhaps?
The 31 foot dome has four doors. Each facing 90° to the others
What is the capacity?
How long will it take to manufacture?
The manufacture every week.
Lead time?
We try to keep two in stock.
Delivery time?
We ship UPS ground a couple times a week.

Thank you in advance for your time.
