Bob Gillis
Shelter Systems, 224 Walnut St, Menlo Park CA 94025
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On Apr 8, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Caroline Van Rijckeghem wrote:
Thanks much Bob, for the info. The manual is very useful.
On ventilation, does this model tent have the overlaps described in the manual allowing one to insert the vent tubes?
Or any other source of ventilation other than the door? Maybe the greenhouse fabric breathes a bit?
the fabric does not breath but the shingling does
Also, the manual cautions not to throw any tarp over the dome, I was a bit surprised as I thought the domes could handle quite some weight. I was thinking of using a camouflage-type cover (probably light).
tarps can trap heat and cause the poles to deform and if not tight the tarp can catch water and cause the dome to collapse
this is not true of shade cloth in that it is porous
Thanks again for your time,